Sites, Buildings & Incentives

Industrial Parks
Park East is located on State Route 27/U.S. Highway 341 East (the Golden Isles Parkway), a four lane highway connecting Interstates 75 and 95. The largest available site is 80 acres, 14 acres of which fronts U.S Highway 341 for commercial/Industrial use.
Park West consists of 187 acres. It is located on the Golden Isles Parkway west of Baxley. The park has a 300,000-gallon elevated water tank and 8-inch water and sewer lines with services provided by the city of Baxley. In addition to 4” high pressure steel main natural gas line.
Sweetwater Creek Industrial Park, known locally as the Tri-Counties Industrial Park, consists of 128 acres. The largest site is 40 acres., and is also located on the Golden Isles Parkway. This park is a joint venture between the Appling, Bacon and Jeff Davis Counties. The park is served by Norfolk Southern Railway and connects with the Georgia Port Authority terminals in Brunswick.
Available Buildings
For more information, contact the Development Authority of Appling County at 912-367-7731

Incentives & Financing
The Authority offers valuable incentives for businesses. Georgia also offers various incentives to new and existing industry. Give us a call to learn more about how to take advantage of these incentives in Appling County. Community support of a new industry is vital to the relocation or startup process. That's why Appling County has put together a package of local incentives to assist industry. Available incentives are based on investment, job creation and credit-worthiness.
- Aggressive land and building offerings
- Tax-reduction plans
- Reduced-interest loans/lease-purchase agreements
- Coastal Pines Technical College customized program training
- Specialized labor recruitment beyond Department of Labor/One Stop Career Center
- 100 percent Freeport tax exemption
- Georgia QuickStart program training at no cost
- $4,000 per-job tax credit for new and expanding industry
- Georgia retaining tax credit
- Georgia investment tax credit
- Georgia research tax credit
- RLF-Low-interest revolving loan fund
State Incentives
View the business incentives brochure
Download the job tax credit tier map
See available tax credits
Learn about tax exemptions
Explore financial assistance